
Safely moving our economy forward.

DRIVE PA is a project of America250PA

Leaders in business, government, education and local communities are working together to drive economic growth in Pennsylvania through safe travel and enjoyment of the state’s great destinations.

DrivePA is providing Pennsylvanians tools and information to help us safely enjoy the beauty of our state’s parks, lakes and colorful landscapes. These safe road trips will not only revitalize our economy, they’ll inspire us and raise our spirits.

DrivePA is taking us in more than one good direction, so join us as a fellow traveler, partner or collaborator!

West Branch Susquehanna River | Nicholas Tonelli

Events Calendar

Travel Tools

Safe Driving Kits

These kits offer travelers the most critical items they’ll need once they hit the road, including: disposable masks, disinfecting wet wipes and hand sanitizer.

DrivePA App

A DrivePA app with routes to safe destinations of natural beauty, historical significance, and recreational enjoyment. The DrivePA app identifies safe rest stops along these routes.

Co-created Campaigns

A co-branded campaign leverages DrivePA messaging and targets corporate partners' audience with the right message to achieve your business goals.

Learn more about these partnership and sponsoring opportunities.

Send us your favorite destination

Let's do it!

Partnerships & Sponsors


Show your support of good health for families and the state’s economy by displaying the DrivePA logo and messaging.
Include the DrivePA identity on on your print and digital communications, from your website, to social media and other marketing and corporate communications.


Bring your connection to DrivePA to life on the pages of our website. We’ll feature your logo that links to your website.

Option A
Our Sponsor Page *

We’ll include your logo and a paragraph of copy you provide.

Option B
Our Home Page and Sponsor Page *

Include your logo on our home page and logo and copy on sponsor page.

* Includes Co-Branding

Safe Travel App

Explore routes to safe destinations of natural beauty, historical significance, and recreation. The DrivePA app also identifies safe rest stops along these routes.

Safe Travel Kit

These kits offer travelers the most critical items they’ll need after hitting the road: disposable masks, disinfecting wet wipes and hand sanitizer.

Co-create Campaign

Co-create a marketing campaign that targets your audience and highlights your support of DrivePA and its goal of safe travel in PA that drives economic growth.

Create content that promotes your commitment to safe, healthy travel and reinvigorating the state’s economy.


A network of respected leaders on the America250PA team created DrivePA to address the economic and social challenges facing our state’s communities.

Our diverse backgrounds are united by our dedication to the growth of our state’s economy and the health of Pennsylvanians as we move on the safest path forward.

Our foundation is strong, but we invite leaders in the public and private sector to join us.  And help us make the biggest impact on our economy and the well-being of all Pennsylvanians.

About DrivePA

We’re corporate executives, educators, and state government leaders who came together to celebrate America250PA. *

Our diverse backgrounds are united by our dedication to the growth of our state’s economy and the health of Pennsylvanians as we move on the safest path forward.Your leadership is vital to achieving our full potential and will provide a public forum for communicating your role and the impact you undoubtedly will make.

* The Pennsylvania Commission for the United States Semiquincentennial (America250PA) was established by the legislature and Governor in 2018 to plan, encourage, develop and coordinate the commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the founding of the United States, Pennsylvania’s integral role in that event, and the impact of its people on the nation’s past, present and future. 

About America250PA

The America250PA Project gives us the opportunity to showcase the amazing people, places, and businesses that make us #PAProud.  To ensure we capture the best the Commonwealth has to offer, it requires a statewide effort.  Take a moment and nominate a destination, donate, volunteer, or simply register for our news feed, to join the America250PA movement here  Follow us at #America250PA

Our Team

Cassandra Coleman
A250PA Commission
Christina Jackson
Dorene Ciletti
Point Park University
Dr. Abel Adekola
Wilkes University
Dr. Christine Hagedorn
Rosemont College
Dr. Vincent Covello
Center for Risk Communication
Elizabeth Super
Heather Sneed
Jake Zoller
Joe Boylan
Joyce Walker
A250PA Commission
Julie Anixter
Mike Shirakawa
Steve Tanzilli
Point Park University
Vicki Stephen

Contact Us

For partner or sponsor questions, contact:

Christina Jackson
Drive PA Partnerships, Throughline

Michael Shirakawa
President – RRD Philadelphia

All Pennsylvania photos courtesy of Nicholas Tonelli, used under license: